How can Moringa benefit you?


Some of the Moringa benefits are its strong antioxidant properties which are said to guard against skin cancers. Moringa is also said to prevent the growth of cysts, tumours and glands.

Moringa Oleifera Blossom

Moringa Blossom

Moringa helps to reduce aches and pains
The anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa Oliefera reduce different types of body pains. It has proved effective for treating arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain, migraine and other headaches. From the roots to the sap, every part of the Moringa plant provides some health benefits.
Moringa plants are rich in phytochemicals, compounds produced by plants that have prolific health benefits.

The Moringa medicinals are prepared as water-based or or alcoholic extracts, decoctions (boiled in water), creams, oils, moisturisers, ointments or powders.
Fresh Moringa powder leaves or roots are applied poultices (a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material, applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation) to treat rheumatism and other joint pains, to relieve lower back pain, to stop headaches and to treat wounds.
Moringa oil can be used for internal and external health maladies, particularly skin conditions. Pressed from the moringa seeds, this moringa extract is favored because of the high concentration of properties other oils don’t have.

Moringa Oleifera Used Against Malnutrition and Disease
Many people are not fully aware of the connection between malnutrition and disease.
The body inherently has the ability to both withstand and fight disease.
In order for this function to take place, the body, its organs and its immune system need certain nutrients in the correct quantities; if this balance is not maintained, the body cannot function fully and it starts to deteriorate.
An example of this is the many children in developing nations who suffer from night blindness and other eye diseases and afflictions, simply because their diets do not contain vitamin A in the correct quantities.
Adding a few tablespoons of nutrient-rich Moringa to their food can alleviate this and other health problems caused by poor nutrition.
Considering the abundance and variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, as well as the high concentration in which many of these nutrients are present in the Moringa plant it is easy to understand why the Moringa benefits have been saiMoringa Tree Branchd to prevent 300 diseases.
Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. There are a number of NGOs that advocate Moringa as “natural nutrition for the tropics.” One author stated: that “the nutritional properties of Moringa are now so well known that there seems to be little doubt of the substantial health benefit to be realized by consumption of Moringa leaf powder in
situations where starvation is imminent.”
Moringa is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce. In developing countries, Moringa has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable land care.

Moringa and Diabetes
Due to the high quantities of nutrients in this very special plant, Moringa Oleifera benefits Diabetes sufferers enormously by helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Moringa Oleifera offers so much promise to those who suffer from Diabetes. Moringa has been shown to boost the immune system naturally, which generally becomes compromised in those that suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Another benefit of Moringa Oleifera for Diabetics is that it has key anti-inflammatory properties; diabetes usually causes problems with circulation which can be managed using Moringa supplements.
There are no negative side effects linked to Moringa Oleifera. It is a safe, natural way for people to control their blood sugar levels and for Diabetics to manage their Diabetes symptoms.